Installation on CentOS

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Install CentOS

My CentOS installation is a DVD install of CentOS 5 with only the "Desktop - GNOME" group selected.

On restart, a number of questions (timezone/security level/etc) are asked. At this stage set the "SELinux" option to disabled. If you skip this step, then simply modify the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file and disable selinux from there. You will need to reboot before this takes effect, but it's okay to wait until you have installed the kernel before doing this (just to save some time :)).

Add the repository

In order to install the necessary packages, you will have to add the repository containing them to your yum configuration.

For CentOS 5 paste the following in /etc/yum.repos.d/dhozac-vserver.repo

name=Linux-VServer related packages for CentOS $releasever - $basearch

For CentOS 6 paste the following in /etc/yum.repos.d/dhozac-vserver.repo

name=Linux-VServer related packages for CentOS $releasever - $basearch

Update yum

Before you do anything else, update yum. If you don't, you'll have to sit through lots of "you're using a knackered version of yum. Wait 5 seconds" messages.

yum update yum

Which should pick the version from the dhozac repository.

Install the kernel

To install the kernel, run

yum install kernel

Double check the grub file to make sure it is the bootable kernel (/boot/grub/grub.conf). If all is okay we are ready to restart the server.

At this stage (before the reboot) I also modify the host's sshd_config file, so it doesn't listen to every interface on the server, which would block any guest's attempt to run sshd.

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

and add the line "ListenAddress <host IP address>".

Install util-vserver

To install util-vserver, run

yum install util-vserver{,-core,-lib,-sysv,-build}

Post installation steps

Make certain /proc entries visible.

service vprocunhide start

Enable the vservers-default initscript, so that guests marked default are started on boot.

chkconfig vservers-default on

All done!

Once your host is setup, you can start building guest systems.

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