Installing 32-bit Fedora on 64-bit Debian

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Set up yum repository

host# mkdir /etc/rpm
host# mkdir /var/lib/rpm
host# apt-get install yum linux32

vserver build does not use /etc/yum*, though you will see an ignorable error message about it if it doesn't exist.

If you use a proxy, append to /usr/lib/util-vserver/distributions/fc6/yum/yum.conf (in the [main] section) the line:


Build vserver

host# export ARCH=i386
host# export http_proxy=
host# linux32 vserver fedora-zod-32-gustname build -m yum --hostname=fedora-zod-32-guestname --interface dummy0=eth0: --rootdir /var/lib/vservers -- -d fc6 -- --arch i386
host# unset ARCH


To observe the 32-bitness of the guest's applications, do:

host# vyum fedora-zod-32-guestname -- install file
host# vserver fedora-zod-32-guestname start
host# vserver fedora-zod-32-guestname enter
fedora-zod-32-guestname# file /bin/ls
/bin/ls: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, stripped